Eye Doctor Explains What To Do If You Start Seeing

What Are Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are small spots or shapes that drift across your vision. According to Mayo Clinic, “Eye floaters are spots in your vision. They may look to you like black or gray specks, strings, or cobwebs. They may drift about when you move your eyes.” They are common and often harmless, affecting about seven in ten people.

What Causes Them?

Floaters occur due to age-related changes in the eye’s vitreous, a gel-like substance that liquefies over time. “As you age, the protein fibers that make up the vitreous shrink into little shreds that clump together,” explains WebMD’s Rick Ansorge. These clumps cast shadows on the retina, creating the floaters you see.

When to Seek Help

The NHS advises that floaters are typically not a concern unless they appear suddenly, increase in number, or are accompanied by flashes, blurred vision, or pain. Serious symptoms may indicate retinal detachment or other eye issues and require immediate medical attention.

Managing Floaters

Most floaters fade with time, but if they’re bothersome, try shifting your eye fluid by looking up and down. Maintaining a healthy diet with omega-3, zinc, and Vitamin A can also support eye health.

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